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Evaluations are done starting in our Lower School 3 through all of Upper School. While dancers are observed throughout the whole year, evaluations provide a specific time for instructors and directors to identify students strengths and areas that need improvement and helps to determine what level will best suit them in the following year.

To help you and your dancer to feel better prepared, below we have listed expectations we hold for our dancers according to their current grade level. 



Lower School 3

- Good knowledge of syllabus combinations 

- Confident execution of exercises with precise timing and proper placement

- Clean/proper placement of upper body/presentation

- Shows extensions with proper placement of upper body & hips/turnout at required height for grade level (LS3 45 degrees)

- Grasp on counting music

- Shows an eagerness/readiness to learn 

- Awareness of corrections given by instructors throughout the year and shows good/consistent progress applying these corrections.

- Respectful to teachers and other students

- Consistent attendance 

Lower School 4

- Good knowledge of syllabus combinations 

- Confident execution of exercises with precise timing and proper placement

- Clean/proper placement of upper body/presentation

- Proper core strength (to be held at barre and in center)

- Shows extensions with proper placement of upper body & hips/turnout at required height for grade level (LS4 45 - 90 degrees)

- Enough flexibility & strength in turnout to be ready for 5th position 

- Good stability through ankles on & off of demi pointe

- Grasp on counting music

- Shows an eagerness/readiness to learn 

- Awareness of corrections given by instructors throughout the year and shows good/consistent progress applying these corrections.

- Respectful to teachers and other students

- Consistent attendance 

Grades 1 - 6

- Memorized, confident syllabus material (syllabus builds each year).

- Clean/proper placement at barre, center practice, pirouettes and jumps

        *To include: solid core, flexible legs/feet, maintains turnout on pointe and while             jumping.

- Confident execution of steps with precise timing.

- Shows extensions at the required height of Grade Level

        *Grade 1: 45-90 degrees

          Grade 2 & 3: 90 degrees

          Grade 4 & above: over 90 degrees

- Respectful toward teachers and other students

- Consistent attendance

List of skills, steps & combinations to know specific to each grade.

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